A few weeks back, I received a question from Cindy who had a major problem with voles in her garden last year.
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Are you ready for spring? I think we are all ready for spring to arrive.
At this time of the year, many gardeners’ thoughts turn to houseplants.
Once we get by the beginning of the New Year, ever so slowly, spring fever begins to hit people.
Many of you who have gardened in the last few years are familiar with a plant disease called Powdery Mildew.
We have begun another new year. May the New Year be better for all of us than 2012.
A heat wave in early September? It seems so weird but I guess these things happen. At least those late ripening tomatoes will have the heat they need to finally ripen.
Here we are starting the month of September. Why is it that the spring and summer would appear to go by faster than the winter months?