A customer will come into the store and they will tell me about the problem that they are having with fruit flies in their home.
I was very surprised to see how much of the snow melted in the last week.
We have had some very cold weather this winter. We have also had a fair amount of snow this winter.
Happy New Year to all of you who are awake enough to read this column today!
The last column of the year is a bit unsettling to do. I think if there is anything I may have missed telling you to do in your yard.
It’s hard to believe that it is almost Christmas. If you add another week or so to that time and we are into 2016. Wow!
They weather continues to remain warmer than normal. The extended forecast calls for the weather to get colder by Saturday.
It’s that time of the year when many people put up a fresh cut Christmas tree.
We are into December and many of you will be bringing home some variety of holiday plant.
The onslaught has begun. The winter moths have hatched out and you will see them flying across roads, clinging to your windows when the lights are on in your house and they are even flying around your trees.