A heat wave in early September? It seems so weird but I guess these things happen. At least those late ripening tomatoes will have the heat they need to finally ripen.
Here we are starting the month of September. Why is it that the spring and summer would appear to go by faster than the winter months?
Well, this will definitely be the last column for 2014! I think I have run out of days to write anything more.
The month of December is rapidly winding down and all of us who garden will be settling in for “our long winter’s nap.”
This week, I thought that I would remind you of some of the chores that you need to finish before the snow flies into our yards for the winter.
When you are out driving around, you may see a lot of Arborvitae shrubs covered in burlap.
The snowstorm that occurred just before Thanksgiving really made a mess of things in the yard.
Do you know where your garden chemicals are? Many people keep their garden insecticides, weed killers and fungus controls in the garage or in a shed.
The days are getting colder and your shrubs will soon be entering their long winter nap. Many of your trees and shrubs will benefit from a late fall application of fertilizer.
I thought that this would be a good time to review the things that you should be doing and in some cases not doing around your home this fall.