As the days get shorter and the temperatures slowly drop down, the vegetable garden will soon need to be put to bed for the winter.
I don’t know why, but once the Columbus Day holiday comes and goes, it really seems and feels like fall.
As the leaves begin to fall off the trees, the chore of raking up leaves begins.
Last winter was tough on many of our shrubs and trees. Many of you saw damage to the leaves of your rhododendrons, hollies and boxwood.
The nights have definitely had a fall like feel to the temperatures. Have you had a frost in your yard? It looks like we had a touch of frost at the store.
The days are beginning to get cooler and the nights feel cold compared to a summer night.
A dry summer can set your lawn back quite a bit. If your lawn did not have a deep root system, the dry soil may have allowed your lawn to develop dead spots.
It doesn’t seem possible that we turned the calendar to the page marked September. However, there are still things to do in the gardens.
Well, August has certainly come and gone! Yet there are still things you can do in the garden.
Well, August has certainly come and gone! Yet there are still things you can do in the garden. Let’s start with the vegetable garden.