In some areas, there has been a virtual invasion of Japanese Beetles. In other areas, there appears to be just a few.
Whenever you get cooler nights and the dew settles on the plants, it is an ideal situation for the spread of fungus diseases on your plants.
Here we are at the first week of August. Many of you may feel that summer is over but there is still time to plant something in your yard.
People often ask me how I come up with topics for this column. Most of the time it is pretty easy.
We are at the mid point of July and there are many things to check in your gardens. Let me give you a list of things to do this week.
It’s hard to believe that we are in the month of July. Now the gardens really begin to get growing!
The cooler days would appear to be having an effect on some of the vegetable plants.
It looks like the gardens are finally getting into their growing mode. It’s nice to see all the hard work of planting beginning to show signs of progress.
Our weather still seems to be bouncing from cloudy with showers to sunny and warm. All that being said, we did have a beautiful weekend.
People have gotten around to feeling that the weather is warm enough to plant their gardens.