As spring turns into summer, our plants develop problems with insects. It seems that every year, there are more insect pests that attack our plants.
As spring turns into summer, our plants develop problems with insects. It seems that every year, there are more insect pests that attack our plants.
As spring turns into summer, our plants develop problems with insects. It seems that every year, there are more insect pests that attack our plants.
As spring turns into summer, our plants develop problems with insects.
It was so nice to be outsideĀ on Saturday. The sun felt so nice. Who would have thought we would be singing the praises of 40 degree weather!
Well, so much for our hope that it would warm up as soon as we got into the month of March! It will warm up eventually.
It was so nice to see some of the snow melt during the warm weather of this past week.
The snow has piled up so much that it is hard to imagine that we will be able to dig in the garden any time before July.
There are always a few things to tell you about that really don’t warrant a full column.
Last week, I was telling you about potting soil. As I had said, you needed to know a few things about potting soil if you are re-potting your houseplants.